Embracing the hopes and aspirations of Texas’ Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
Established in 1979, OCA-Greater Houston has worked to advance the social, political, and economic well-being of AAPIs.

Breaking News
Judge rules in favor of civil rights groups, stating a provision of Senate Bill 1 violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS - A federal court ruled Saturday against a key provision of Texas’ anti-voter law Senate Bill 1 in a victory for voting rights in the state.
The lawsuit, filed in 2021 by the Texas Civil Rights Project, American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Texas, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, Disability Rights Texas, and the law firm Jenner & Block LLP, challenged numerous provisions of the bill, including that its prohibition against certain interactions in the presence of a ballot violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Texas, Register, Educate, Vote, & Use your Power - Texas (REV UP Texas), and OCA Greater Houston.
Empowering AAPI Creatives
Through our events and programs, we uplift Houston’s groundbreaking artists, filmmakers, and restaurants.
Informing Our Communities
We work with media partners to amplify issues affecting Texas’ Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
Developing the Next Generation
Your generous support allows us to train AAPI youth and aspiring professionals as our world evolves.
We rally today on behalf of the majority of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders (AA and NHPI) who believe that affirmative action should be defended and our voices will not be manipulated by those who fear diversity.
Help Us Track Hate
Violence against Asian American and Pacific Islander communities is on the rise.
That’s why OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates is compiling resources and answering questions to help you identify and report hate incidents.